07 July, 2006


I’ve been so busy these days that I didn’t even realize that it’s been a week since we entered July.
In Japan, July 7th is a festival day for Tanabata, and we write our wishes on a slip of paper and hang them on bamboo branches (leaves?). Usually, the rainy season clears soon after this Tanabata day, but I’m not really sure about this year.

The weather of Tokyo today, by the way, is cloudy and the front doesn’t look like it’s going to move away any time soon. Plus I hear a typhoon is nearing Kyushu, so I guess I’m going to have to spend a few more weekends inside my house :-(

Well I suppose it’s a good chance to rest my ragged body cuz I am exhausted this week more than the previous several weeks. And then there’s the championship match of the FIFA World Cup of course on early Monday morning (that’s before the break of dawn) so yeah, I think I can manage staying home, but I am sick of rain.
And it’s the clearance season! Bargain here bargain there... the whole city’s like a mess of cheapened stuff and people swarming. I did get the cargo pants I’ve wanted for a long time, but half because of the rain I’ve hadn’t had much chance to go see my other favorite shops.

So, I know I’d been skipping writing a bunch I want to write about. The latter part of my Okinawa stories and the North Korea’s missiles’ story, and by the time I write here on Monday the World Cup’ll be over too... that’s kinda sad. I’ll miss the big games and Zidane, too! Anyway, I hope to write about a bunch of things that’s been on my mind for days.

Okie-doke, I’m off writing my wish on the Tanabata paper... “I want to see a big wide smile on Zidane’s face” :-)

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