30 August, 2006

Japan Travel Guide

A couple of days ago, we received an e-mail asking us, “I’d like to travel Japan some time soon, but how much money should I prepare?” through our web site Japan Mode.

We are very grateful for such e-mails (we’ve had several before), and if the client is expecting us some information uniquely Japan Mode, then she knows exactly where to ask!

It really depends on what your travel interests are, however. If you want to see historical and traditional monuments and things then you simply cannot miss the Kyoto area, and if you are interested in shopping modern technology-related stuff or seeing such places (like the townscape and architecture, etc.) then your destination would more likely be Tokyo.

There are many many travelers who cover both in one trip, but I believe a trip that includes neither of them in its itinerary is also deep and interesting. (well, if you’re coming to Japan for your first time, then you might want to plan carefully.)

Anyway, because Japan is stretched north-south so much as it is east-west, the climate and therefore customs or people’s lifestyles are different depending on the area you’re visiting, despite being a small country. So the flora and fauna are different, and the shapes of the houses are different. As for my hometown Kagawa, it belongs to a Mediterranean climate so I guess you can enjoy similar climate to the Mediterranean area like Italy and the southern coasts of France and Spain. (Yeah right, who enjoys climates :P)

Well, technology is evolving allowing you to see the same flowers and taste same food from north to south, but if you turn your eyes to something that is indigenous to that area you’ll be able to see Japan from various angles.

You might be able to enjoy Japan like this happy family in the video :-)

Summer is over and some of you may be like, “Um, it’s not really a traveling season.”
Anyhow, I still plan to introduce you the different aspects of Japan with details, so if it helps any of you who’re planning to come over to Japan some time I’d be one happy guy.

Hey just realized, why don’t I do this as a feature on Japan Mode? Right, but it’s easier here... I mean, it’s kind of less responsibility when it turns out boring... :P

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