18 October, 2006

The Extreme of Healing

For quite a while “healing” has been a big boom in Japan. There are so many people who are in quest for the ultimate healing that it makes me think, “Geez, I feel sorry for this wiped out country.”

Just about ten years ago, there had been continuous news about overwork and stress deaths stirring up the society. The people who worked their lives off were in the babyboom generation who largely contributed to the rapid economic growth and the early 90s bubble economy, and are about to retire next year.

It was then that people started to think seriously about the significance of taking things slowly and easier. Until then, the Japanese labor force was nothing but working ants that sacrificed their lives for the gross economy. Anyway, people started to look for little refreshments they can enjoy during breaks and weekends.

These “healings” included weekend/day-trips to hot springs/spas, traveling to somewhere far from office with rich nature, items like bath items, fragrance and massaging, or food to even female TV personalities and models who have soft, warm yet fresh characters.

The latest one I found on the news today is this one:


YAMAMOTO MIMIKAKI – in a store nicely decorated in Japanese style, female staffs dressed in kimono serve the guests by cleaning their (the guests’) ears on their(staffs’) laps for JPY2,000/30min (special price for the moment).


What’s so wow about it is that it does make me feel a bit, “I’d want to try that, it sounds so ‘healing’”.
I’m also impressed that you can make anything into a fair business when you related it with “healing”.

Maybe I should try out this ear-cleaning thing... I’ll have to persuade my boss to support this financially :P

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