09 February, 2006

My new craze

I've been into "sekihan" these days.You know what it is?
In Japan, "sekihan" is a kind of rice dish eaten on happy occasions and festivities because it's red ("sekihan" means red rice) and red is the color for happiness.
It's made with white rice and adzuki beans (this is what dyes the rice red), but now it has become more availabe and common than before, for it is sold in convenience stores in "onigiri" forms (rice balls).
These combini (that's how we call convenience stores) "sekihan" is quite good. It has the right stickiness and crunchy chewiness.It's more nutritious than normal white rice and is filling, so I eat it often these days usually with salad.
I think "onigiri" is really a clever invention. It's a well-made portable food, easy to eat, lasts fairly long (well, I don't mean to say days, but still) and delicious. I think it can go worldwide. Who knows?
Maybe if the weather is nice and warm this weekend, I'll go out for a litte excursion somewhere with a "sekihan onigiri". "Onigiri" eaten at a place with beautiful view has another different taste... well I guess it's the same for any other food...

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