06 April, 2006


Hmm, my cold doesn't seem to get any better. Well it hasn't been that long since I first felt something wrong with my throat so I can't expect that good of a recovery, but you know, when I was much younger I never dragged colds. It only took me a night's good sleep to cure it.

This half-recovery is again a bit difficult. Since it's half recovering I go like "Ok, it's almost cured" and stay up late. But that ends up torturing my poor body. So in another word, it's the time when I have to be the most careful, isn't it?

And I'm pretty sure this is universal. But similar my stomatitis editions, there must be a zillion folk remedies around the world. Why don't we have a contest to see which folk remedy works the best? LOL
Who knows, you might get some interesting result.

For those who can read and understand Japanese, see this: http://www.nandemo.syo-ten.com/search3/hidentop.html
You can browse through all kinds of Japanese folk remedies.
BTW, my symptoms now are coughs and sore throat so the remedy for that must be "sugered kumquat with a hint of ginger".

Doesn't sound that exciting... I mean, pretty normal isn't it, considering the "baked snail" for stomatitis... which apparantly I have NOT tried.

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